Telia norge owner

Ledelsen i Telia

Ledelsen i Telia | Telia

Stein-Erik Vellan Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ; Wenche Mittet VP People and engagement ; Jon Christian Hillestad VP Telia Business ; Henrik Larsen VP Legal.

Ledelsen i Telia Norge

Telia Norge – Wikipedia

Teleselskapet ble Norges første private mobiloperatør da Samferdselsdepartementet i 1991 innvilget konsesjon for ikke-statlig GSM-mobilnett i Norge. Tjenestene …

Telia Norge – Wikipedia

Telia Norge AS, formerly NetCom AS, is a Norwegian mobile phone operator. Founded in 1993, it is the second largest mobile phone operator in Norway.

Stein-Erik Vellan – CEO – Telia – LinkedIn

Andre med navnet Stein-Erik Vellan ; Managing Director at UNINOR (Telenor group – Norway). Delhi, India ; –. Bulgaria ; –. India.

Norway – Telia Company

Telia Company is the second largest supplier of mobile services in Norway and offers a complete range of services … Current ownership: 100%.

The second largest supplier of mobile services.

Telia Norge-sjefen går av – E24

Telia Norge-sjefen går av – E24

20. nov. 2019 — Stein-Erik Vellan som kommer fra jobben som sjef for Telia i Finland. Vellan er mest kjent her i landet for en lang karriere i Telenor, der han …

Abraham Foss takker for seg etter over fire år som sjef i Telia Norge. Han erstattes av Telias Finland-sjef, og tidligere Telenor-topp, Stein-Erik Vellan

Telia Norge – CEO i No Isolation, Karen Dolva, sier… – Facebook

CEO i No Isolation, Karen Dolva, sier samarbeidet med Telia har vært over all forventning. Les mer her om hvordan du og MobilPant kan hjelpe unge med…

Telia Norge AS Company Profile – NORWAY – Dun & Bradstreet

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Telia Norge AS of OSLO, OSLO. Get the latest business insights from Dun …

Telia Norge Company Profile: Acquisition & Investors

Telia Norge Company Profile: Acquisition & Investors | PitchBook

Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Telia Norge. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore … Ownership Status. Acquired/Merged.

Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Telia Norge. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.

Telia Norge – Org Chart, Teams, Culture & Jobs

Telia Norge – Org Chart, Teams, Culture & Jobs | The Org

View Telia Norge’s up-to-date org chart, open roles, and culture details. Find executives, board members, teams, … Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

View Telia Norge’s up-to-date org chart, open roles, and culture details. Find executives, board members, teams, related companies, and more.

Keywords: telia norge owner